Revival Weeks
What Is Revival?
Revival is not a special meeting or event although it can include that. Simply put, revival is the life of Jesus being poured into a human heart! There has never been a time when Christ did not exist, so there has never been a time when revival did not exist. Psalms 19:7 says, “The instructions of the LORD are perfect, reviving the soul.” The instructions of the LORD are the word of God. Jesus is the word made flesh and it is Him who brings revival to the soul. That is what these Revival Weeks are all about!
Our Revivals are a week full of worship, prayer, anointed Biblical messages, and times of ministry. During these meetings, people will have the opportunity to give their lives to Jesus, be renewed and revived, and experience signs, wonders, and miracles. These will be life-changing meetings for individuals of all ages, families, and the community.
Revival Weeks
These week long revivals will take place in our gospel tent or in a building. The revival will start on a Sunday or Monday evening and run through Saturday evening. We have found that when we have a week long revival, the fruit has been unmeasurable.
God has called us to build a revival culture and contend for a move of God across America. Are you desperate for a move of God? Are you hungry for God to turn your life around? Do you need God to move mightily on your behalf? In these meetings we have seen God turn around hopeless situations and restore families. We've seen healings, miracles, and people ignited with passion for Jesus.
What We Believe
We believe that we are in the beginning stages of the greatest move of God the world has ever seen. In January of 2025, during a time of prayer and fasting, God spoke to us that churches need to begin to get ready as this move of God begins to intensify. God told us that churches in America need to build a revival culture within the local body of believers.