Time To Take Off The Grave Clothes

Feb 10, 2025    Julie Schilling

In this video, Julie shows you visually the grave clothes you are wearing and that it is time to take them off. She uses the story of Lazarus in John 11 and that Jesus didn’t leave Lazarus in his grave clothes after he was resurrected.

While we were wrapped in grave clothes of abuse, disappointment, bitterness, self-harm, self-hatred, unforgiveness, resentment, jealousy, fear, and suicidal thoughts, we have been missing out of what God has for you. God says it is time to remove these grave clothes and stop allowing family, health, peace, joy, and finances to be taken away from us. These things are available to you and it is time to go reclaim what is rightfully yours. Say, “They are mine!”

This message was recorded live under the gospel tent on October 5, 2024 at Crossroads Christian Fellowship in Jacksonville, NC.

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