Be Filled & Full Of The Holy Spirit!

Jul 11, 2024    Aaron Schilling

In this video, Aaron talks about being filled or full of the Holy Spirit! Sin never gets a free ride with God. When you defile your body deliberately after receiving a knowledge of the truth, you profane the blood of Jesus and outrage the Holy Spirit.

When the Holy Spirit is dwelling within you, Christ, has the ability to dwell in your heart. When you allow the Holy Spirit to probe the depths of your life, the anointing begins to break every yoke that the enemy has placed on you and your eyes are enlighten to the fullness of God’s love for you.

There is one baptism but many fillings. How do you measure fullness? By overflow. To be filled means to be full or complete. If you are not full, then you need to be filled. This and much more in this video recorded in Dayton, OH at the GREAT BIG GOD Revival Services at Faith Worship Center New Lebanon on June 3, 2024.

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