The Seal Of God
May 9th, 2023
Do you know who you are in Christ? This is something that’s been on my heart this week and it’s one of the most important things we must understand as children of God. His promises will remain unfulfi...  Read More
Pure Worship
May 2nd, 2023
Of all of the instructions God has given, Jesus said that the greatest commandment is to “love God with all of our heart, soul, strength, and mind” (Mark 12:30). Loving God with all our heart leaves n...  Read More
Walk By Faith
April 25th, 2023
“Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.” – Hebrews 11:1This well-known verse is one of the most common on faith. Most of us could quote it with ease, but how m...  Read More
One Touch
April 18th, 2023
Last week, we talked about God’s heart for humanity. His passion for people is demonstrated throughout His Word. Time and again, we see His open arms longing to cleanse, heal, and restore whoever will...  Read More
The Desperate Heart Of God
April 11th, 2023
How many of you have ever prayed and felt like you weren’t being heard? How many of you have ever felt alone? It can be easy to live by how we feel rather than by what the Bible says is true. See, we ...  Read More
Wonder-Working Power
April 4th, 2023
As we approach Easter, my heart has been dwelling on the elementary truths of our Christian faith. The Gospel of Jesus Christ—His death, burial, and resurrection—is our foundation. His blood was shed ...  Read More
After God's Heart
March 28th, 2023
King David is one of the most well-known characters from the Bible, for a good reason. We read incredible stories of him killing wild animals with his bare hands, slaying giants, and defeating mighty ...  Read More
Run With Endurance
March 21st, 2023
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race set before us.” – Hebr...  Read More
Contend For The Faith
March 14th, 2023
This week, I found myself in one of the smallest books in the New Testament—one that is easy to overlook. The Book of Jude is a short letter, written just a few decades after Jesus’ death and resurrec...  Read More
The God Who Answers By Fire
March 7th, 2023
Prayer is the heartbeat of a Christian’s spiritual life, but one thing we have to remember is that it is not the act of prayer itself that manifests the power of God. God moves in accordance with His ...  Read More
Mobilizing Prayer
February 28th, 2023
As we discussed last week, the purpose of prayer is to unite heaven and earth. Jesus taught His people to pray “Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done” and the effect of that kind of prayer is power. The ...  Read More
The Power Of Prayer
February 21st, 2023
We could never fully understand all that Jesus accomplished when He walked the earth. John said in his gospel that if everything Jesus did were to be written, “the world itself could not contain the b...  Read More